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How does a Kitchen Display System work and why do you need one?

Running a restaurant or cloud kitchen without a Kitchen Display System (KDS) can feel like trying to juggle flaming torches while blindfolded. It’s a heroic effort, but eventually, something’s going to drop—and it’ll probably be on fire.

Picture this: it’s a busy Friday night, and orders are flying in faster than you can say “where’s the ketchup?” Your kitchen staff are trying to manage both dine-in and delivery orders, but the paper tickets are piling up, and no one can remember if Table 5’s steak was supposed to be rare or well-done. Meanwhile, delivery orders are getting mixed up, the couriers are complaining that bags are missing, and the phone is ringing off the hook with customers asking why their order hasn’t arrived yet. It’s a recipe for disaster—literally.

Cue the Kitchen Display System (KDS).

What is a Kitchen Display System (KDS)?

A Kitchen Display System (KDS) is a digital tool used in restaurants and cloud kitchens to manage and organize the food ordering process. Instead of relying on paper tickets or verbal communication, a KDS shows orders on a screen in the kitchen, ensuring that all staff members can see and work on them in real-time. It acts as a central hub that streamlines the workflow, reduces errors, and improves efficiency in the kitchen.

What is a Kitchen Display System (KDS)?

How does a Kitchen Display System work?

A KDS integrates with your Point of Sale (POS) ordering system, your ordering website, and any other tools you use, like your stop list and order assembly dashboard. When an order comes in, whether it’s from a dine-in customer or an online delivery, the KDS instantly displays it on a screen in the kitchen. It organizes the orders by priority, so your staff knows exactly what to work on next, and it keeps track of what’s been prepared and what’s still pending. No more lost orders, no more mixed-up tickets, and no more wondering if that vegan burger is actually vegan.

11 Benefits of Using a Kitchen Display System

1. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

The last thing you need is to spend a fortune on new hardware. The Delivety KDS works on any device you already have, whether it’s an old tablet or a budget-friendly option. You can set it up without breaking the bank. Your team can keep using tools they’re familiar with, making the transition smooth and easy.

2. User-friendly for everyone

We’ve all seen that look on a cook’s face when they’re asked to use complicated tech. But rest assured, this system is designed to be simple and straightforward. Your team can pick it up quickly, without needing hours of training, meaning the kitchen can keep running smoothly, with fewer mistakes and less frustration.

3. Rapid PIN login

In a busy kitchen, every second counts. With this KDS, staff can log in quickly using a secure PIN. There’s no need to worry about lost keycards or complicated login systems. Everyone is ready to get to work without unnecessary delays getting in the way.

4. Customizable sound alerts replace constant shouting

Kitchens are noisy, and it’s easy to miss something important. Customizable sound alerts make sure that doesn’t happen. You can adjust them to fit your kitchen’s environment, ensuring no order is overlooked. This keeps the team focused and helps avoid any delays that could lead to unhappy customers.

5. Smart dish preparation

With orders flying in, efficient prep is how you manage to stay on top of things. Delivety groups similar dishes that need to be prepared at the same time, reducing repeated tasks and saving on ingredients. Now, you can economize on time and money, and provide a faster service than ever.

11 Benefits of Using a Kitchen Display System

6. Easy stop list and ingredients management

Running out of an ingredient can certainly throw a wrench in your service. With Delivety, managing what’s available is straightforward. A cook can update the menu with a single tap, removing unavailable dishes instantly. This avoids customer disappointment and keeps the menu accurate across all channels. Automated features also let you set rules, like removing a dish after a set number of orders, so the kitchen always knows what’s available.

7. No more hunting for lost tickets

If you’ve ever lost an order ticket in the middle of a rush, you know the panic that follows. With a KDS, every order is displayed clearly on a screen, so your staff always knows what’s next. No more digging through stacks of paper or hoping someone else remembers.

8. Master the art of multitasking

Handling dine-in and delivery orders at the same time can feel like trying to pat your head and rub your belly. A KDS prioritizes orders and shows exactly when each dish needs to be prepared, so your team doesn’t have to guess. You’ll keep the dining room happy and ensure that deliveries go out hot and on time.

9. No more “Oops, we forgot the sides”

Missing items in an order can lead to frustrated customers and extra trips back to the kitchen. With a KDS, every detail is tracked, ensuring that nothing gets left out. Whether it’s the extra sauce, utensils, or that all-important side dish, the KDS makes sure it’s all there. This means fewer complaints and more satisfied customers.

10. Improved kitchen coordination

With a KDS, everyone on the kitchen team knows exactly what they need to do and when. The system breaks down orders by station and timing, so all parts of a meal come together at just the right moment. This means fewer delays, better timing, and a smoother service, especially during peak hours.

11. Real-time inventory management

Running out of ingredients in the middle of service can throw everything off. A KDS can be linked to your inventory, automatically updating the stop list when items run low. This keeps your menu accurate and avoids the frustration of telling a customer their favorite dish isn’t available after they’ve already ordered it.

Try Delivety for free

With all the ways a kitchen display system can streamline your kitchen, why not see the benefits firsthand? Delivety makes it easy. Try it for free and see what you’ve been missing out on.

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